
Animated Infographic Video for SCS

Animated Infographic Video for SCS

Looking for an engaging way to encourage viewers to go for regular cancer screening? Our team at Easy Video was honoured to partner once again with the Singapore Cancer Society, a self-funded voluntary welfare organization that provides patient care services to needy cancer patients and promotes cancer awareness and prevention through its public education and community outreach programs.

Our latest animated infographic video follows the same lovable character, Aunty Sue, on a mission to convince her friend, Aunty May, to go for regular cancer screening with the help of Dr. Maxine. By incorporating relatable characters and everyday scenarios, we aimed to create a fun and friendly video that resonates with viewers.

At Easy Video, we pride ourselves on our creativity and ability to produce unique animations. It was a joy for us to work on this project and we hope it will inspire more people to take their health seriously.

We work closely with our clients to meet their needs and exceed their expectations, whether they require a promotional video, corporate event coverage, animation or anything in between. Contact Us today to learn more.
